Well tomorrow is the last day of the show, it has been a great experience for all of our team. We have received so many posiive comments about all portions of the home. The success of the home is measured in two ways in my opinion. The first is the judging by the public, realtors and professional judges. Following is a list of the awards for the 2008 Street of Dreams:
The 2008 Street of Dreams awards are as follows:
Best of Show
Professional’s Choice: “Pure Innova”-Haggart Luxury Homes
Realtor’s Choice: “Sonoma”-Shelburne Development
People’s Choice: “Sonoma”-Shelburne Development
Best Architectural Design
Professional’s Choice: “Sonoma -Shelburne Development
RealtorE2s Choice: “Sonoma”-Shelburne Development
Best Curb Appeal
Realtor’s Choice: “Cherith Brooke”-G&B Construction
Best Landscaping
Professional’s Choice:“Pure Innova”-Haggart Luxury Homes
Realtor’s Choice: “The Summit”-Westlake Development Group
People’s Choice: “Pure Innova”-Haggart Luxury Homes
Best Kitchen
Professional’s Choice: “Sonoma”-Shelburne Development
Realtor’s Choice: “Providence House”-KDC Custom Homes, LLC.
People’s Choice: “Sonoma”-Shelburne Development
Best Master Suite
Professional’s Choice: “Pure Innova”-Haggart Luxury Home s
Realtor’s Choice: “Son oma”-Shelburne Development
Best Interior Design
Professional’s Choice: “Pure Innova”-Haggart Luxury Homes
Realtor’s Choice: “Sonoma” Shelburne Development
People’s Choice: “Sonoma” Shelburne Development
Best Home Furnishings
Professional’s Choice: “Suede”-Lisac Brothers Construction
Realtor’s Choice: “Cherith Brooke”-G&B Construction
I do have questions about the professional judging but I think the most telling are the Public and Realtor's voting. I think Sonoma did very well and it reflects the attention to detail, planning and creativity of my team.
Thanks to all of you that have taken the time to come visit Sonoma. I hope those of you interested in a new home or remodel project (I learned that most people think we only do new homes) WE DO REMODELS/RESTORATION AND ARE VERY GOOD AT THESE TYPES OF PROJECTS INVOLVING OUR ENTIRE TEAM. WE CAN HANDLE THE ENTIRE PROJECT FROM DESIGN, PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION.