Sonoma, A Donation to the Homebuilder's Foundation

Sonoma has been selected as this year's home to benefit the Homebuilder's Foundation. The Foundation focuses primarily on housing issues for the dis-advantaged and homeless. This is the first year the HBF has benefited from a Street of Dreams home. My personal goal is to have all our suppliers and contractors contribute to this home with the proceeds going to the foundation. We can accept donations toward Sonoma and will be providing various incentive packages to those who contribute. We are working on radio ads, print media, a full page ad in the SOD magazine as well as site signage acknowledging the Donors.

The HBF is involved with the Raphael House, Cordero House as well as many other charitable organizations locally. On a national scale the Foundation is affiliated with "Homeaid". This is truly one of the most focused money raising campaigns to date and we want Sonoma to be a real winner for the Foundation.


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